being a blogger but don't know where to start? Want a heads up on how to get more
followers? Whether you name
yourself a journalist or not, a blog is an awesome platform to
showcase your talent. This is why LA are here to be your savvy saviour, clueing
you in on what makes a super insane blog!
in the fashion biz, we use bloggers to generate reliable PR for a brand. Bloggers
buy/receive a product and take a few super cool snaps for their followers.
Images for your blog are key, so this month’s tips are how to produce kick-ass
pics, hopefully getting you noticed in the broad blogging scene.

One: Invest in a SLR camera. SLR's highlight details that a normal camera
can't. Although they may seem pricey, they’re worth it if you want to make a
concrete career and get recognised in the industry.
hint: Always check eBay before heading to the big named shops.
Tip Two: Photoshop. There's no easy way to say this but photos that are
unedited sometimes stand out for the wrong reasons. We recommend Adobe Creative
Cloud, which comes at a student discounted, monthly price. As complicated as
the software looks, do not fear, as Youtube features some super cool tutorials
on how to use the programme.
hint: ALWAYS up the contrast and brightness of an image. This can transform a
dull, lifeless pic into a major attention grabbing photo!
Three: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! The likes of BeFrassy, Susie Bubble and 5
Inches and Up have never shied away in their bedrooms for their blog pics. Now,
we're not saying jump on a flight to New York or Paris (we wish), but simply
head out to the nearest park, cool inner city area or urban scene. These shots
put the product into real life situations, putting the images into perspective
to viewers. Brands will be totally seduced, calling you up for collaborations.
Four: ask a friend! Selfies are safer in Instagram and Facebook, whereas your
blog needs to showcase your major love for fashion in a professional and creative
way. Big name brands seek out potential by the way you’re representing their
brand in order for collaboration. Ask a friend to take a couple of snaps in
trade for a coffee at Starbucks afterwards.
hint: Still no one interested? Take on the tripod. Find an interesting backdrop
and jump in the frame. It's that simple!
hint 2: Get in touch with a photographer. Blogspot, Facebook and Twitter are
crawling with photographers begging for work. It's a win win situation; you
both walk away with super cool images for both your blog and their portfolio.
If you’re totally hooked on their work, ask them to be a resident photographer.
It’s the perfect partnership, an added bonus for their CV and a great way to
ensure you have insane images week after week.
Five: quality not quantity. Blog posts don't need to be daily. If you set a
target for 3 a week say, it gives you more than enough time to get your outfits
shot with an awesome description, leaving followers and brands totally hooked for
your next blog post.
Take a sneak peek at some of our fave shots below from this season for some inspiration... Now what are you waiting for?! Get snapping!
Take a sneak peek at some of our fave shots below from this season for some inspiration... Now what are you waiting for?! Get snapping!
| Images courtesy of My Fashion Insider, Style Limelight, Sara Luxe, Girl in the Lens, What Olivia Did |
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